Crimea: a bone of contention with conflict potential

Wolfgang Effenberger
(picture ma)

On the 7th anniversary of the referendum

by Wolfgang Effenberger

(31 March 2021) The referendum of 16 March 2014 – the vote for a joining with the Russian Federation – in Crimea and Sevastopol showed a clear result: with a turnout of 83 per cent, 96.7 per cent voted for annexation to Russia.1

The Crimea, also influenced by Greeks and Romans, is a cross-section of European cultural history. Its strategically favourable location near the northern end of the historic Silk Road ("Mongolian Route") not only promoted trade relations with the world of that time, but also attracted conquerors. Even before World War I, the British perceived the geopolitical importance of the entire region, then after World War II and especially after the Cold War, it was the Americans. In April 2005, the USA openly supported efforts in Ukraine to become a member of the WTO and NATO.

Poland has also had tangible interests over several centuries.

In the spring of 1920, Pilsudski's troops had overrun Russia, which was bleeding in civil war, and had reached in Kiev in May.

To protect a Greater Poland from Russia and Germany, a buffer was to be created between the Baltic and the Black Sea, the so-called Intermarium, a pro-imperialist alliance of right-wing, nationalist regimes in Eastern Europe, primarily directed against the Soviet Union.

This great power project of Pilsudski was revived in 2015 as the "Three Seas Initiative" (Baltic, Adriatic and Black Seas).2

Intermarium-states (green) (Source wikipedia/mt)

The summit in Warsaw at the beginning of July 2017 was even attended by US President Donald Trump, which also gave the meeting a transatlantic perspective. But which one?

Obviously, it was about strengthening Poland and the Baltic states. But above all, it was about permanently avoiding any rapprochement between Germany and Russia.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the declaration of independence in 1991, Ukraine found itself in a completely new situation. Historically torn apart by Polish, Austrian, German and Russian rulers, the country found it difficult to find its identity – not least because of the interests of the EU and NATO. On 7 February 1990, during his visit to Moscow, the American Secretary of State James Baker promised that NATO would not extend one inch (2.54 cm) further eastwards.3

On 21 November 2013, President Yanukovych stopped the EU association activities, which foresaw lasting interventions in state and society.

Moreover, not part 1 (economy), but only part 2 (politics) with a military component was up for signature.4

Article 4 of the military agreements stipulated the "ever deeper integration of Ukraine into the security policy area of the EU". This was in line with Washington's geopolitical objectives and fitted beautifully into the agenda of Clinton's Silk Road Strategy Act of March 1999, with which the US defined its economic and strategic interests in a corridor from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea to Central Asia. In full accordance with the geostrategic concept developed by Brzezinski, competitors of the USA – such as Russia, Iran and China – were to be weakened and the entire region from the Balkans and the Black Sea to the Chinese border was to be transformed into a patchwork of American protectorates.5

For Francis Boyle, a Russia expert at Harvard University, the declared aim of Obama and his mentor Brzezinski was to break up the Russian Federation. He sees it as a fact that since 11 September 2001, the US government has been destroying countries and using NATO as an instrument to do so. This intention is proven by the then US Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz and later by NATO Supreme Commander General Wesley Clark. The Pentagon's list includes Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Syria. The same strategy would now be used by USA/NATO/EU to promote destabilisation in Ukraine.6

On 21/22 February 2014, under the leadership of right Sector, the parliament was occupied: Yanukovych fled, and Obama contentedly declared:

"We, the US, brokered a deal to transition power."7

The geopolitical race for Crimea ensued. And here lies the wreckage of US unipolar power fantasies.

On 4 December 2014, the US Congress overwhelmingly passed (only 10 votes against) H. Res. 758, which Congressional “old hand” Ron Paul described on his homepage that very day under the title "Reckless Congress 'Declares War' on Russia", as one of the most evil bills of legislation.

H. Res. 758 is a resolution that, it literally states, "strongly condemns the actions of the Russian Federation under President Vladimir Putin as a policy of aggression against neighbouring states aimed at political and economic domination."8

The preface is followed by an extensive register of Russia's sins. Mantra-like, the Russian Federation is accused of, among other things, invading Ukraine,

  • of having invaded Ukraine and violated its sovereignty;

  • of carrying out computer attacks in the USA;

  • invading Georgia in 2008;

  • selling arms to Syria, etc.

The list of sins, consisting of half-truths and brazen lies, is followed by 22 demands to force Congress and the president to act. Among other things, the president is asked to

  • to urge US allies and partners in Europe and the other states worldwide to impose targeted sanctions against the Russian Federation and its leadership, and to enforce the withdrawal of Russian troops and their equipment from Ukrainian territory;

  • to review, in consultation with Congress, the condition and readiness of US and other NATO forces, and to take seriously the collective defence obligation under the mutual assistance clause (Article 5) and ensure that any deficiencies are resolved.

Indignation in the EU and the German media? No such thing.

At the end of 2015, former Deputy Treasury Secretary under Ronald Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, stated in his article "Why World War 3 is on the Horizon":

"It must be disappointing for the Russian government to see that European Union leaders would rather advocate nuclear war than challenge Washington's propaganda."9

Thomas Mann had already recognised the inclination of the US administration in his American exile,

"Europe as an economic colony, military base,
as a glacis in the future nuclear crusade against Russia,
as an antiquarian and tourable patch of the world,
as a patch of earth of antiquarian interest and worth travelling to,
but whose complete ruin is not worth bothering,
when it comes to the struggle for world domination."10

As an extra-Eurasian power, the USA has tirelessly built up its military bases around the whole of Eurasia since 1945 and has not shied away from large-scale wars and the lasting environmental and climate damage that goes with them (e.g. the defoliant Agent Orange, DU depleted uranium munitions...) (e.g. Vietnam, Serbia).

From 17 January 1991 – at 3:00 a.m. the first fighter planes of the US allies took off for air raids on Iraq – the cradle of civilisation was bombed with the consent or approval of the EU and NATO. Moreover, economic warfare, state terrorism and torture have left the country between the Euphrates and the Tigris in chaos.11

The principle task of an occupying power is to restore public order. According to Article 43 of the Hague Regulations on Land Warfare, the occupying power has the obligation to respect the existing laws and thus to ensure order – this responsibility also arises from the IV. Geneva Convention.12 This is also a blatant violation of international law, a case for the International Court of Justice.

And today?

Despite the Corona pandemic, military budgets worldwide are reaching new record levels.

In 2020, the US spent almost three times as much money on defence than its rivals China and Russia combined.13

Given US geo- and armament policies, Russia and China are likely to have a primary interest in preventing war. Both countries favour a multipolar peace order. Vladimir Putin dropped a remarkable sentence in passing on 27 January in his online WEF speech in the 28th minute: "The era of trying to build a unipolar world is over."14 Putin sees different centres of development all over the world with their own models, political systems and social institutions and he considers it extremely important to "develop mechanisms for harmonising all their interests".15

Under US President Biden, the demonisation of Russia and its president has once again gained momentum. The USA is betting on escalation!

And this in the interest of a small globally acting economic and financial elite, which draws its profits from war and destruction and expands its structures amidst chaos.

What we need is a culture of understanding and rapprochement, a culture of peace!


1 Hendrik Weber: Unsere Krim Staatsstreich oder demokratische Entscheidung [Our Crimea coup d'état or democratic decision?] n.p. 2020, p. 74

2 (accessed 7 March 2021)

3 Hendrik Weber: unsere Krim Staatsstreich oder demokratische Entscheidung? [Our Crimea coup d'état or democratic decision?], n.p. 2020, p. 184

4 Wolfgang Effenberger: Schwarzbuch EU & NATO. Warum die Welt keinen Frieden findet. [Why the world cannot find peace], Höhr-Grenzhausen 2020, p. 324

5 Wolfgang Effenberger / Konrad Löw: Pax americana. Munich 2004, p. 511

6 Interview With Prof Francis Boyle: Ukraine Part Of US/NATO/EU Plan To Break Up Russia from 2.2.2014 at (accessed 8 March 2021)

7 Obama admits: "We Brokered power transition deal' in Ukraine” from 22.2015 at (accessed 9 March 2021)

8 H.Res.758 – Strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighbouring countries aimed at political and economic domination. 113th Congress (2013-2014) at (accessed 9 March 2021)

9 Paul Craig Roberts. Why WWIII Is on The Horizon. (28 December 2015)

10 Thomas Mann: Deutsche Hörer! [German listeners!], Darmstadt 1986, back cover blurb

11 Jakob Reimann: Seit 30 Jahren bombardieren die USA den IRAK, [For 30 years the USA has been bombing Iraq], at (11 March 2021)

12 Rüdiger Wolfrum: Genfer Recht und Bagdader Realität [Geneva Law and Baghdad reality] from 6.10.2004 at (12 March 2021)

13 USA bei Militärausgaben einsame Spitze [USA, lonely leader in military spending] from 25 February 2021 (11 March 2021)

14 Davos 2021: Putin's speech at a glance from 28 January 2021 at (11 March 2021)

15 Ibid.

(Translation "Swiss Standpoint")

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