Switzerland – EU

Current European policy

Christoph Blocher (Picture SVP)

by Christoph Blocher

(6 July 2023) (Edit.) In 1992, it was Christoph Blocher, a doctor of law, former Federal Councillor and former entrepreneur, who, together with the “Action for an Independent and Neutral Switzerland” initiated by him, succeeded in preventing Switzerland from joining the “European Economic Area” (EEA). He saw this as a precursor to joining the “European Community” (EC).

Then as now, various political forces inside and outside Switzerland are trying to curtail Switzerland’s sovereignty. Currently, the aim is to force our country to adopt EU law through a framework treaty with the EU. Once again it is Christoph Blocher who is raising his warning voice.

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The Federal Council is currently trying to conclude a new “framework treaty”. The EU wants to pass the laws in Switzerland and to shut out the voters.

The latest ploy of neighbouring regions such as Baden-Württemberg, Alsace, Lombardy and Piedmont: they have let their border cantons know that the EU does not take cross-border labour and the ban on state aid (such as cantonal banks, public power stations, etc.) very seriously.

This is a highly dangerous maneuver. No matter how the EU-affiliated neighbouring regions deal with Brussels, Switzerland must not sign any treaties that it cannot or does not want to observe.

The Federal Council also wants to get the trade unions on its side. So far, they have resolutely resisted an EU framework treaty. They know that EU law would then apply and that the high wage levels of domestic workers would be threatened.

That is why the federal government is now seeking trade union support with the promise that accompanying labour market measures would be “protected” in the new framework agreement. Neither the EU nor the European Court of Justice – so it is claimed – may touch this regulation. The fact that the so-called guillotine clause remains in place as a means of exerting pressure is concealed.

However, the Federal Council and the Foreign Minister responsible, Ignazio Cassis, consistently omit the most important point: Switzerland must never, ever sign a treaty that eliminates the right of self-determination of the Federal Government, the cantons, and the population.

Disempowering citizens through the automatic or dynamic adoption of EU law is just as unacceptable as recognising the supreme court of the counterparty as an arbitrator or a "protected" guillotine clause.

Source: “Wiler Nachrichten”, 30 May 2023
(Reprinted with kind permission of the author)

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

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