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Rebooting electronic voting?

The Swiss federal administration does not give up

(30 January 2021)  ts. The best way to lose the trust of others is to try to pressure or rehearse the same bad ideas over and over again. Why is the Swiss federal government so eager to introduce e-voting in Switzerland?

The Most Lethal Virus is Not Covid-19. It is War.

“Covid has provided cover for a pandemic of propaganda.”

By John Pilger

(14 December 2020)  Britain’s Armed Services Memorial is a silent, haunting place. Set in the rural beauty of Staffordshire, in an arboretum of some 30,000 trees and sweeping lawns, its Homeric figures celebrate determination and sacrifice.

2021: The world as a gambling hell?

by Wolfgang Effenberger*

(30 January 2021)  On 11 December 2020, the Economist special issue "The World 2021" was published with forward-looking contents. The covers of the previous annual issues were, as usual, very cryptic with their encoded plans of the background elites: a mixture of occult symbolism and references to manipulation and control of the masses.

For 2021, a slot machine was chosen, with the globe adorning its lever arm. Pressing it causes the four reels to rotate. Instead of coins, "stimulus funds" are to be inserted. It's all about the very big rip-off "CASH OUT" at taxpayers' expense. The uninitiated readers have to rely on their imagination.

Running a household economically in times of crisis

by Elisabeth Willi, home economics teacher and psychologist

(5 February 2021)  Even in prosperous Switzerland, people can become unexpectedly unemployed due to company closures, wage cuts or illness. Previous crises and today's Corona crisis leave many traces. Through no fault of their own, household income no longer covers expenditure, bills can no longer be paid and the family budget gets overstretched. Strokes of fate such as separations or deaths also often reduce income.

Sovereignty in the 21st century

by Nicola Eisenborn, political scientist

(30 January 2021)  Reflections on an aspect of the speech by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, held at the press conference on December 24 2020 on the outcome of the negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom.

How about consumer protection?

(30 January 2021)  jw. When buying a new electronic device, you might just be in for an unpleasant surprise. Does any of this sound familiar to you?